TDX Mail Monitor Google setup

Agent with Google Admin Permissions: 

  1. Check for existing account or group name in Google Admin. Rename to remove any conflict before moving to next step
  2. Create account (Google creates a local password)
  3. Move account to OU Service Accounts/Service Accounts with no SSO for setup
  4. Assign alternate email address (alias)
  5. Assign "Google Workspace for Education Plus" license
  6. Exclude from GAL
  7. Assign to Google Group "application access API <>"
  8. Log in to with account credentials and set a new password to complete mailbox setup.
  9. Create "Processed" and "Unsuccessful" labels
  10. Delegate service account to a TDX Admin with `gam user <serviceaccountname> add delegate <tdxadminname>`
  11. Use TDX FAQ to generate API credential at "" using the google session of the service account
  12. Download JSON API credential file and relay to the TDX Admin along with the newly set Google account password to configure the Mail Monitor

* After setup is complete and verified on the TDX side, move account back to OU in Google Admin to enforce SSO

TDX Admin:

Create an email monitor service account user in TDX. This user account will be used to create and update items within TeamDynamix.

  1. In TDAdmin, click the Users & Roles > Users in the left navigation.
  2. Click the +Create button in the Users Display window, then click Create User from the dropdown
    Note: the Email Replies service account needs to be the User type. Any additional email service accounts within TDX can be the Service Account type.
  3. Enter the following information in the popup window:
  4. Username – An email address that belongs to your organization's domain, such as
  5. Security Role – Use the Email Service security role you defined.
  6. First Name and Last Name – Use a name like Email Service (first name email, last name Service), because this will sometimes show up in feed entries.
  7. Primary Email, Alert/Notification Email – An email address that belongs to your organization's domain which can be the same as Username. Do not set this to the address of an email monitor.
  8. Grant the user access to the below applications:
  9. TDNext
  10. Your Ticketing Application(s) – For Security Role, choose the Email Service role you created.
  11. Click Save.

Configure Email Auth Account

Navigate to the appropriate Email Auth Accounts page. For email replies, auth accounts can be configured at the organizational level or in any platform application. For email monitors, auth accounts are configured in the ticketing application. Email Auth Accounts are configured in the following places: 

  • Organization-level email replies: TDAdmin > Email > Email Reply Auth Accounts
  • Ticketing Applications: TDAdmin > Applications > [Ticketing Application] > Email > Email Auth Accounts
  • Asset/CI Applications: TDAdmin > Applications > [Asset/CI Application] > Email > Email Reply Auth Accounts
  • Client Portal Applications: TDAdmin > Applications > [Client Portal Application] > Email > Email Reply Auth Accounts
  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name and optional Description for the auth account.
  3. Choose the Account Type. This determines how the email service will try to authenticate. For WestEd: Gmail OAuth 2.0 (IMAP)
  4. To configure Gmail OAuth, you will need to provide the following information: 
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret​​​​​​ 
  1. Once you have entered these values, click Generate Tokens to automatically generate an access token and refresh token.
  2. Mark the auth account active and click Save.

To configure an email monitor: 

In TDAdmin, go to Applications > [Ticketing Application] > Email > Email Monitors.

  1. Click the +New button to create a new email monitor.
  2. Fill in the required fields as follows:
    • Check the Active checkbox. 
    • Select a Name for the email monitor. 
    • Select an auth account from the Auth Account dropdown.
      • This determines which mailbox will be monitored and how the system will connect to it.
    • Fill in the Monitored Folder NameProcessed Folder Name and Unsuccessful Folder Name fields.
      • Emails will be read from the Monitored folder and moved to Processed if successfully processed, or Unsuccessful if an error occurs.
        • If your Processed or Unsuccessful folders are nested inside other folders like the Inbox, please provide the full folder path in the monitor field for that folder, like so:
          - Inbox/Processed
          - Inbox/Unsuccessful
    • Enter an Error to Email that will be notified if the email service errors. (System Admin)
    • Fill in the TD Username and TD Password fields for the TeamDynamix account that the email service will use. 
  3. Select the remaining optional processing settings as desired.
  4. Click the Save button. The email reply monitor will now begin processing replies.

Set Up Email Monitor Rules

To create tickets, you'll need to also configure email monitor rules. Rules determine which emails generate a ticket and the specific details of the ticket upon creation.

To set up email monitor rules:

  1. In TDAdmin, go to Applications > [Ticketing Application] > Email > Email Monitors.
  2. On the Email Monitor details page, click the Rules tab.
  3. Click the +New button to create a new rule.
  4. Enter a Name for the rule.
  5. In the Contains field, select what the rule will search for.
  • The rule will only apply if this value is found in the email subject. If this is blank, the rule will apply to all emails.
  • It is recommended that there be a blank rule which applies to all emails that don't meet any other rule. This should be the last applied rule.
  1. Fill in any of the Ticket Profile fields which will apply to the ticket created by the email monitor.
  2. Click the Save button.
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Article ID: 14092
Tue 6/13/23 9:59 AM
Wed 9/20/23 1:08 PM